Working with Text in R - 2 skills 4 exercises

Text-to-Columns; Search Across Columns; Parse FREE OPEN Text


Melinda Higgins


March 16, 2023


The code and data presented below will hopefully help you get some experience working with TEXT data in R. The materials below focus on 2 skills with 2 examples for each:

  • Skill 1: Separating text into columns
    • Example 1: Get the make and model of cars (mtcars built-in dataset)
    • Example 2: Extracting “data” from filenames (e.g. id, visit, etc)
  • Skill 2: Working with FREE/OPEN test - Searching for text - parsing into categories
    • Example 3: Working with messy list of college courses
    • Example 4: Working with messy list of medications

Files for 4 Exercises:

R Packages needed:

  • dplyr - for using the %>% pipe command and other data wrangling (like mutate(), filter(), pull(), select() functions)
  • tidyr - for separating text into columns
  • purrr - for applying functions over a range of columns
  • readr - to read in the CSV file
  • readxl - read in an EXCEL file
  • DT - useful way of displaying tables of data (in the HTML document)
  • stringr - for working with messy text
  • arsenal - (optional) for table formatting and organizing output

Skill 1: Splitting text into separate columns

There is a function in EXCEL under the “DATA” tab for “test-to-columns” allowing you to designate a “delimiter” for splitting text chunks into separate columns. There is a similar function in the tidyr package, separate(). Let’s see an example of how this works.

Example 1: Make and Model of Cars in mtcars dataset

Let’s take a look at the built-in mtcars dataset. This dataset has “row names” for each car’s make and model. Here is an example of the top 6 rows of the mtcars dataset:

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# view top 6 rows of mtcars dataset
mtcars %>%
  head() %>%
  knitr::kable(caption = "Top 6 rows of mtcars dataset")
Top 6 rows of mtcars dataset
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21.0 6 160 110 3.90 2.620 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21.0 6 160 110 3.90 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.320 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.440 17.02 0 0 3 2
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.460 20.22 1 0 3 1

Row names of the mtcars dataset.

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# see the list of the row names
 [1] "Mazda RX4"           "Mazda RX4 Wag"       "Datsun 710"         
 [4] "Hornet 4 Drive"      "Hornet Sportabout"   "Valiant"            
 [7] "Duster 360"          "Merc 240D"           "Merc 230"           
[10] "Merc 280"            "Merc 280C"           "Merc 450SE"         
[13] "Merc 450SL"          "Merc 450SLC"         "Cadillac Fleetwood" 
[16] "Lincoln Continental" "Chrysler Imperial"   "Fiat 128"           
[19] "Honda Civic"         "Toyota Corolla"      "Toyota Corona"      
[22] "Dodge Challenger"    "AMC Javelin"         "Camaro Z28"         
[25] "Pontiac Firebird"    "Fiat X1-9"           "Porsche 914-2"      
[28] "Lotus Europa"        "Ford Pantera L"      "Ferrari Dino"       
[31] "Maserati Bora"       "Volvo 142E"         

Let’s add these text “strings” for the names of the cars to the dataset in a new column called makemodel:

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makemodel <- row.names(mtcars)
mtcars2 <- mtcars %>%
  mutate(makemodel = makemodel)

# view top 6 rows again
mtcars2 %>%
  head() %>%
  knitr::kable(caption = "Top 6 rows of mtcars dataset")
Top 6 rows of mtcars dataset
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb makemodel
Mazda RX4 21.0 6 160 110 3.90 2.620 16.46 0 1 4 4 Mazda RX4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21.0 6 160 110 3.90 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4 Mazda RX4 Wag
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.320 18.61 1 1 4 1 Datsun 710
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1 Hornet 4 Drive
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.440 17.02 0 0 3 2 Hornet Sportabout
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.460 20.22 1 0 3 1 Valiant

Suppose we now want to break up the make and model into separate columns using the space as our column divider. We can use the separate() function from tidyr package to do this. Note: given the full list of makes and models some have 2 spaces so you’ll end up with 3 columns that we’ll call “make”, “model” and “type” which is why into = c("make", "model", "type") in the code below. This defines the new columns we are adding to the dataset.

The options below are as follows:

  • data = name of data frame
  • col = column you want to separate apart (in this case, character)
  • sep = character expression to match for separating
  • into = the list of new column variables you want to create
  • remove = whether you want to keep or remove the rest of the variables in the data frame.

Numeric variables can also be separated, see more details in the help manual for tidyr::separate().

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df <-
    data = mtcars2,
    col = makemodel,
    sep = " ",
    into = c("make", "model", "type"),
    remove = FALSE

df %>% 
  head() %>% 
  knitr::kable(caption = "Top 6 Rows of mtcars")
Top 6 Rows of mtcars
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb makemodel make model type
Mazda RX4 21.0 6 160 110 3.90 2.620 16.46 0 1 4 4 Mazda RX4 Mazda RX4 NA
Mazda RX4 Wag 21.0 6 160 110 3.90 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4 Mazda RX4 Wag Mazda RX4 Wag
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.320 18.61 1 1 4 1 Datsun 710 Datsun 710 NA
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1 Hornet 4 Drive Hornet 4 Drive
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.440 17.02 0 0 3 2 Hornet Sportabout Hornet Sportabout NA
Valiant 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.460 20.22 1 0 3 1 Valiant Valiant NA NA

Example 2: Extracting “Data” from filenames

Here is a small hypothetical dataset from a lab that created custom IDs to track the subject, visit number and year by combining them into one long “string” (text field) separated by underscores “_“. This is the variable idlong in the labdata dataset (created in code below).

Using the code example above, here is another application of the tifyr::separate() function to separate the long string idlong into 3 new columns added to the labdata dataset individually for “ID”, “visit” and “year”.

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# create hypothetical dataset
idlong <- c(

values <- c(34, 31, 28, 26, 34, 34, 27, 28, 30, 25)

labdata <- data.frame(idlong, values)

labdata %>%
  knitr::kable(caption = "Hypothetical Dataset With Long filenames")
Hypothetical Dataset With Long filenames
idlong values
001_v1_2020 34
001_v2_2021 31
002_v1_2020 28
002_v2_2021 26
003_v1_2020 34
003_v2_2021 34
004_v1_2021 27
004_v2_2022 28
005_v1_2021 30
005_v2_2022 25

Create 3 new variables “ID”, “Visit” and “Year” from idlong.

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df <-
    data = labdata,
    col = idlong,
    sep = "_",
    into = c("ID", "visit", "year"),
    remove = FALSE

df %>% 
  knitr::kable(caption = "Three new variables added: ID, Visit, Year - extracted from idlong")
Three new variables added: ID, Visit, Year - extracted from idlong
idlong ID visit year values
001_v1_2020 001 v1 2020 34
001_v2_2021 001 v2 2021 31
002_v1_2020 002 v1 2020 28
002_v2_2021 002 v2 2021 26
003_v1_2020 003 v1 2020 34
003_v2_2021 003 v2 2021 34
004_v1_2021 004 v1 2021 27
004_v2_2022 004 v2 2022 28
005_v1_2021 005 v1 2021 30
005_v2_2022 005 v2 2022 25

NOTE: Updated tidyr functions


superceded The function tidyr::separate() has been now been “superseded” by several functions for “separate” actions, see warning at and the updated list of functions at

Here is the code above updated with the newer tidyr::separate_wider_delim() function as of tidyr v.1.3.0.

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labdata %>% 
    cols = idlong, 
    delim = "_", 
    names = c("ID", "visit", "year")) %>%
  knitr::kable(caption = "Labdata Filenames Separated into ID, Visit and Year")
Labdata Filenames Separated into ID, Visit and Year
ID visit year values
001 v1 2020 34
001 v2 2021 31
002 v1 2020 28
002 v2 2021 26
003 v1 2020 34
003 v2 2021 34
004 v1 2021 27
004 v2 2022 28
005 v1 2021 30
005 v2 2022 25

Skill 2: Searching for text & Parsing into categories

Example 3: Parsing a list of courses into categories

Download school_courses.csv dataset for this exercise.

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# read in dataset
school_courses <- read_csv("school_courses.csv")

# view dataset in browser with DT package
# adds scroll bars and "next" page tabbing
datatable(school_courses, options = list(
  pageLength = 5, autoWidth = TRUE

Let’s create indicators for different course categories using sets of keywords under each course type. For example, let’s build indicators for:

  • English
    • Writing
    • Composition
    • Literature
    • Critical Thinking
    • Written Expression
    • Creative Arts
    • Communication
    • Literary
    • Rhetoric
    • reading
    • written communication
  • Statistics
    • Quantitative Reasoning
    • biostatistics
    • statistics
  • Fitness - this does NOT include “nutrition” nor “nutrition for wellness”
    • Health and Fitness
    • Wellness
    • Physical Education
  • Nutrition - run as a separate category
    • nutrition
    • nutrition for wellness

Explaining the code below

  • mutate() from dplyr package used to create new variables in dataset
  • if_any() also from dplyr package used to select multiple columns “across” which to “apply” a given function. See “colwise” vignette for dplyr.
  • .cols = is a list of columns or variables
  • starts_with() is a “helpful” function from tidyselect package, loaded with tidyr.
  • .fns = could be any function like mean(), but here I’m using a purrr style ~ to “map” a function across the columns specified; see more details for dplyr::across().
  • str_detect() is from stringr package.
  • tolower() is a base R function that sets the character string specified to all lowercase letters. The syntax here tolower(.) takes the “strings” coming in from the “course” columns and feeds them . into tolower().
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# load stringr for str_detect() function

# look across all of the columns that start with "course"
# look for the word "english" in any of these columns
# to avoid capitalization issues, use tolower() function
school_courses <- school_courses %>%
  mutate(englishYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  .fns = ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "english")))

# add another course to list
school_courses <- school_courses %>%
  mutate(writingYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "writing")))

school_courses %>%
  mutate(aa = rowSums(across(c(englishYN,writingYN)),
                      na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  select(school, englishYN, writingYN, aa)
# A tibble: 10 × 4
   school englishYN writingYN    aa
    <dbl> <lgl>     <lgl>     <dbl>
 1      1 FALSE     FALSE         0
 2      2 TRUE      NA            1
 3      3 NA        TRUE          1
 4      4 TRUE      NA            1
 5      5 TRUE      TRUE          2
 6      6 TRUE      NA            1
 7      7 TRUE      NA            1
 8      8 TRUE      NA            1
 9      9 TRUE      NA            1
10     10 TRUE      NA            1
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# create indicator variable for any school
# with either an "english" or "writing" course or both
school_courses <- school_courses %>%
  mutate(engwrit01 = as.numeric(
            na.rm = TRUE) > 0)) 

school_courses %>%
  select(school, englishYN, writingYN, engwrit01)
# A tibble: 10 × 4
   school englishYN writingYN engwrit01
    <dbl> <lgl>     <lgl>         <dbl>
 1      1 FALSE     FALSE             0
 2      2 TRUE      NA                1
 3      3 NA        TRUE              1
 4      4 TRUE      NA                1
 5      5 TRUE      TRUE              1
 6      6 TRUE      NA                1
 7      7 TRUE      NA                1
 8      8 TRUE      NA                1
 9      9 TRUE      NA                1
10     10 TRUE      NA                1

Notice that:

  • School 1 has something listed in all 10 course listings and none have the word “english” in them, so you get a value of FALSE or 0.
  • But School 3 only has data in 12 columns, the last 6 are empty. None of these 12 columns had the word “english” and was also missing data in the last columns which is why you get a value of NA.
  • And the rest of the schools have at least 1 column with the word “english” in it.
  • There are similar results for the “writing” courses.
  • The final column shows a 1 if the school has either “english”, “writing” or both or shows a 0 if they have neither.

I should note that when I wrote this code I did not care if there was more than 1 course with a given subject (like English 101 and English 102), I only cared whether the course showed up at least once in the list. You may need to update my code if you care about accounting for columns with missing data.

Rest of code to parse rest of list for “English” and “Statistics”

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# create TRUE FALSE for YES/NO for each of these key words
# and phases to look for:
school_courses <- school_courses %>%
  mutate(englishYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "english"))) %>%
  mutate(writingYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "writing"))) %>%
  mutate(compositionYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "composition"))) %>%
  mutate(literatureYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "literature"))) %>%
  mutate(criticalThinkingYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "critical thinking"))) %>%
  mutate(writtenExcourseessionYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "written excourseession"))) %>%
  mutate(creativeArtsYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "creative arts"))) %>%
  mutate(communicationYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "communication"))) %>%
  mutate(literaryYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "literary"))) %>%
  mutate(rhetoricYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "rhetoric"))) %>%
  mutate(readingYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "reading"))) %>%
  mutate(writtenCommunicationYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "written communication"))) %>%
  # now add up all the TRUE (as 1) and FALSE (as 0)
  # notice I added na.rm=TRUE so the NAs are ignored
  # and I used as.numeric(xxx > 0) to 
  mutate(english01 = as.numeric(rowSums(across(
  na.rm = TRUE) > 0)) %>%
  mutate(statisticsYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "statistics"))) %>%
  mutate(biostatisticsYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "biostatistics"))) %>%
  mutate(quantitativeYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "quantitative"))) %>%
  mutate(quantitativeReasoningYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "quantitative reasoning"))) %>%
  mutate(stat01 = as.numeric(rowSums(across(
  na.rm = TRUE) > 0)) 

What about “Wellness” versus “Nutrition and Wellness”?

  • ^ to match the start of the string
  • (?=.*wellness) the string should start with something with “wellness” in it
  • (?!.*nutrition for wellness) but should NOT have “nutrition for wellness”

Some helpful examples:

Also notice I’m including whole phrases and not just 1 word.

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school_courses <- school_courses %>%
  mutate(fitnessYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "fitness"))) %>%
  mutate(wellnessYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "^(?=.*wellness)(?!.*nutrition for wellness)"))) %>%
  mutate(physedYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "physical education"))) %>%
  mutate(healthWellnessYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "health and wellness"))) %>%
  mutate(fitness01 = as.numeric(rowSums(across(
  na.rm = TRUE) > 0)) %>%
  mutate(nutritionYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "nutrition"))) %>%
  mutate(nutritionWellnessYN =
           if_any(.cols = starts_with("course"),
                  ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "nutrition for wellness"))) %>%
  mutate(nutrition01 = as.numeric(rowSums(across(
  na.rm = TRUE) > 0))
coursenames01 <- school_courses %>%
  select(contains("01") & !contains("course")) %>%
coursenames <- str_remove(coursenames01, "01")

c1 <- school_courses[, c("school", coursenames01)]
names(c1) <- c("school", coursenames)
# A tibble: 10 × 6
   school engwrit english  stat fitness nutrition
    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>
 1      1       0       1     1       0         1
 2      2       1       1     1       0         1
 3      3       1       1     1       0         0
 4      4       1       1     0       0         0
 5      5       1       1     0       0         1
 6      6       1       1     1       0         1
 7      7       1       1     1       0         0
 8      8       1       1     0       0         0
 9      9       1       1     0       0         1
10     10       1       1     0       0         0

Table of Frequencies of Course Categories

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# add labels for variables in c1
attr(c1$school, 'label')  <- 'School ID'
attr(c1$engwrit, 'label')  <- 'English or Writing'
attr(c1$english, 'label')  <- 'English'
attr(c1$stat, 'label')  <- 'Statistics'
attr(c1$fitness, 'label')  <-
  'Health, Fitness, Wellness & Physical Education'
attr(c1$nutrition, 'label')  <-
  'Nutrition (including Nutrition and Wellness)'

# create a function to make 0/1 into "no"/"yes" factor
# set 0=no, 1=yes and make as factor
factoryn <-
  function(.x) {
                  level = c(0, 1),
                  label = c("no", "yes")))

# use purrr package to map this function
# across all of the 0/1 variables
# to turn them into "no"/"yes" factor type
c1yn <- c1 %>%
  select(all_of(coursenames)) %>%
  purrr::map(factoryn) %>%

tab1 <-
  tableby( ~ .,
           numeric.stats = c("median", "q1q3", "range", "Nmiss"),
           data = c1yn)
  test = FALSE,
  pfootnote = TRUE,
  digits = 1,
  digits.pct = 1,
  title = "Course Frequencies for 10 Schools"
Course Frequencies for 10 Schools
Overall (N=10)
   no 1 (10.0%)
   yes 9 (90.0%)
   no 0 (0.0%)
   yes 10 (100.0%)
   no 5 (50.0%)
   yes 5 (50.0%)
   no 10 (100.0%)
   yes 0 (0.0%)
   no 5 (50.0%)
   yes 5 (50.0%)

Example 4: Parsing a list of medications into treatment classes

Download medications.xlsx dataset for this exercise.

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# medications example to go here
# import dataset
medications <- read_excel("medications.xlsx")

# create list of variables for medications ======================
medlist1 <- c("medication1", "medication2",
              "medication3", "medication4",
              "medication5", "medication6",
              "medication7", "medication8",
              "medication9", "medication10")

# look for all of these medications for HTN treatments:
# amlodipine
# atenolol
# benazepril
# benicur
# benzaepril
# bisoprolol
# carveldilol
# chlorthalidone
# clonidine
# dyazide
# exforge
# furosemide
# furosimide
# hctz
# labetalol
# lisinopril
# losartan
# maxzide
# metoprolol
# nadolol
# nebivolol
# nifedipine
# olmesartan
# water pill
# prazosin
# primivil
# telmisartan
# timerol
# triamterene
# triamterine
# triamterinel
# valsartan

medications <- medications %>%
  mutate(htn01 = as.numeric(
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "amlodipine"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "atenolol"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "benazepril"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "benicur"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "benzaepril"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "bisoprolol"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "carveldilol"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "chlorthalidone"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "clonidine"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "dyazide"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "exforge"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "furosemide"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "furosimide"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "hctz"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "hydrochlor"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "labetalol"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "lisinopril"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "losartan"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "maxzide"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "metoprolol"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "nadolol"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "nebivolol"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "nifedipine"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "olmesartan"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "water pill"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "prazosin"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "primivil"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "telmisartan"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "timerol"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "triamterene"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "triamterine"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "triamterinel"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1,~ str_detect(tolower(.), "valsartan")))

# look for all of these medications for Diabetes treatments:
# glipizide
# glyburide
# humalog
# insulin
# lantis
# linaglipten
# lumulin
# metformin
# novolog
# piogli
# proglit
# saxaglipitin

medications <- medications %>%
  mutate(diab01 = as.numeric(
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1, ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "glipizide"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1, ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "glyburide"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1, ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "humalog"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1, ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "insulin"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1, ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "lantis"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1, ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "linaglipten"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1, ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "lumulin"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1, ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "metformin"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1, ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "novolog"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1, ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "piogli"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1, ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "proglit"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1, ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "saxaglipitin")))

# look for all of these medications for Cholesterol treatments:
# cholest
# fenofibrate
# simvastatin
# vytorin
# zetia

medications <- medications %>%
  mutate(cholesterol01 = as.numeric(
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1, ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "cholest"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1, ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "fenofibrate"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1, ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "simvastatin"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1, ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "vytorin"))) |
    (if_any(.cols = medlist1, ~ str_detect(tolower(.), "zetia")))

Look at results - who is on these 3 medications:

Show/Hide Code
medications %>%
  select(id, htn01, diab01, cholesterol01) %>%
  DT::datatable(., options = list(pageLength = 20))

Pull a list of subject IDs on certain medications or combinations of meds

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# list of subjects on HTN medications
medications %>%
  filter(htn01 == 1) %>%
 [1]   9  23  24  30  31  36  37  38  40  41  45  47  51  52  54  55  58  60  63
[20]  69  71  72  73  74  75  82  84  88  93  94  98 101 102 107 108 110 113 115
[39] 120 121 123 124 125 126 127 129 131 133
Show/Hide Code
# list of subjects on Diabetes medications
medications %>%
  filter(diab01 == 1) %>%
 [1]  27  35  47  48  74  84  85  90  93  98 110 116 127
Show/Hide Code
# list of subjects on HTN and Diabetes medications
medications %>%
  filter(htn01 == 1 & diab01 == 1) %>%
[1]  47  74  84  93  98 110 127
Show/Hide Code
# list of subjects on Cholesterol medications
medications %>%
  filter(cholesterol01 == 1) %>%
[1] 129

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