Summary Statistics of Abalones’ - Dimensional Measurements

A useful R package for making tables is the arsenal package. Learn more at:

The key function is tableby(), see the vignette at

Overall (N=4169)
   Mean (SD) 0.524 (0.120)
   Range 0.075 - 0.815
   Mean (SD) 0.408 (0.099)
   Range 0.055 - 0.650
   Mean (SD) 0.139 (0.039)
   Range 0.010 - 0.515

Summary Statistics of Abalones’ - Weight Measurements

Overall (N=4169)
   Mean (SD) 0.830 (0.490)
   Range 0.002 - 2.825
   Mean (SD) 0.360 (0.222)
   Range 0.001 - 1.488
   Mean (SD) 0.181 (0.110)
   Range 0.000 - 0.760
   Mean (SD) 0.239 (0.139)
   Range 0.002 - 1.005

Abalone Dimensional Measurements by Sex - default statistical tests

Now we can add a grouping variable such as comparing these summary statistics between the 3 biological sex groups: Male, Female and Infant.

Notice that the default settings produce a p-value. The arsenal::tableby() function is performing an ANOVA (analysis of variance) for each of these measurements.

F (N=1306) I (N=1335) M (N=1528) Total (N=4169) p value
length < 0.0011
   Mean (SD) 0.579 (0.086) 0.428 (0.109) 0.561 (0.103) 0.524 (0.120)
   Range 0.275 - 0.815 0.075 - 0.725 0.155 - 0.780 0.075 - 0.815
diameter < 0.0011
   Mean (SD) 0.455 (0.071) 0.327 (0.088) 0.439 (0.084) 0.408 (0.099)
   Range 0.195 - 0.650 0.055 - 0.550 0.110 - 0.630 0.055 - 0.650
height < 0.0011
   Mean (SD) 0.157 (0.030) 0.108 (0.032) 0.151 (0.035) 0.139 (0.039)
   Range 0.015 - 0.250 0.010 - 0.220 0.025 - 0.515 0.010 - 0.515
  1. Linear Model ANOVA

Abalone Dimensional Measurements by Sex - change statistical test

Suppose you decide that diameter is skewed and really need non-parametric statistics and the Kruskall-Wallis non-parametric ANOVA test performed. We can customize the statistics - learn more at and see more options at

You’ll notice this automatically creates footnotes for each customized statistic in the output table.

F (N=1306) I (N=1335) M (N=1528) Total (N=4169) p value
length < 0.0011
   Mean (SD) 0.579 (0.086) 0.428 (0.109) 0.561 (0.103) 0.524 (0.120)
diameter < 0.0012
   Median (Q1, Q3) 0.465 (0.410, 0.505) 0.335 (0.270, 0.395) 0.455 (0.395, 0.500) 0.425 (0.350, 0.480)
height < 0.0011
   Mean (SD) 0.157 (0.030) 0.108 (0.032) 0.151 (0.035) 0.139 (0.039)
  1. Linear Model ANOVA
  2. Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test

Abalone Weight Measurements by Sex

F (N=1306) I (N=1335) M (N=1528) Total (N=4169) p value
wholeWeight < 0.0011
   Mean (SD) 1.047 (0.430) 0.432 (0.286) 0.991 (0.471) 0.830 (0.490)
   Range 0.080 - 2.657 0.002 - 2.050 0.015 - 2.825 0.002 - 2.825
shuckedWeight < 0.0011
   Mean (SD) 0.446 (0.199) 0.191 (0.128) 0.433 (0.223) 0.360 (0.222)
   Range 0.031 - 1.488 0.001 - 0.773 0.006 - 1.351 0.001 - 1.488
visceraWeight < 0.0011
   Mean (SD) 0.231 (0.098) 0.092 (0.063) 0.216 (0.105) 0.181 (0.110)
   Range 0.021 - 0.590 0.000 - 0.440 0.003 - 0.760 0.000 - 0.760
shellWeight < 0.0011
   Mean (SD) 0.302 (0.126) 0.128 (0.085) 0.282 (0.131) 0.239 (0.139)
   Range 0.025 - 1.005 0.002 - 0.655 0.005 - 0.897 0.002 - 1.005
  1. Linear Model ANOVA

Plot of Abalone Age by shuckedWeight

Plot of Abalone Age by Shucked Weight - by sex

Create a plot of abalone age by shucked weight in g Show the plot by sex - either add a color by sex or a facet_wrap().

Linear Regression - Abalone Age by Shucked Weight (model 1)

Regression of Abalone Age by Shucked Weight
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 9.243295 0.0861858 107.24850 0
shuckedWeight 6.110826 0.2039592 29.96102 0

Linear Regression - Abalone Age by Shucked Weight, adjusted for sex (model 2)

Regression of Abalone Age by Shucked Weight adjusted for Sex
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 10.9143080 0.1285277 84.917946 0.0000000
shuckedWeight 3.8482792 0.2295312 16.765820 0.0000000
sexI -2.2489742 0.1239592 -18.142855 0.0000000
sexM -0.3749078 0.1057687 -3.544601 0.0003975

Compare Models - piecemeal steps

The change in R2 for the 2 models is 0.0657824 with a p-value of 4.3055706^{-76}.

Compare models - use gtsummary package

Model 1 output

Characteristic Beta 95% CI1 p-value
(Intercept) 9.2 9.1, 9.4 <0.001
shuckedWeight 6.1 5.7, 6.5 <0.001
1 CI = Confidence Interval

Model 2 output

Characteristic Beta 95% CI1 p-value
(Intercept) 11 11, 11 <0.001
shuckedWeight 3.8 3.4, 4.3 <0.001
I -2.2 -2.5, -2.0 <0.001
M -0.37 -0.58, -0.17 <0.001
1 CI = Confidence Interval

Put models side by side

Characteristic Model 1 Model 2
Beta 95% CI1 p-value Beta 95% CI1 p-value
(Intercept) 9.2 9.1, 9.4 <0.001 11 11, 11 <0.001
shuckedWeight 6.1 5.7, 6.5 <0.001 3.8 3.4, 4.3 <0.001
I -2.2 -2.5, -2.0 <0.001
M -0.37 -0.58, -0.17 <0.001
1 CI = Confidence Interval

The stargazer package - works for HTML and PDF

WARNING This does NOT work for WORD documents. However, you can create the HTML output and then “cut-and-paste” the HTML table into WORD.

Dependent variable:
(1) (2)
shuckedWeight 6.111*** 3.848***
(0.204) (0.230)
sexI -2.249***
sexM -0.375***
Constant 9.243*** 10.914***
(0.086) (0.129)
Observations 4,169 4,169
R2 0.177 0.243
Adjusted R2 0.177 0.242
Residual Std. Error 2.924 (df = 4167) 2.805 (df = 4165)
F Statistic 897.663*** (df = 1; 4167) 445.716*** (df = 3; 4165)
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01

Creating APA style tables

This package makes nice output but saves each table in a separate output DOC file. This does work for WORD documents.

To embed the apaTable output inside the Rmarkdown document, we can do the following…

Pull out the key parts of the output object. Make a nice table for the formatted output for apa3 and then add the footnote using inline r code.

Predictor b b_95%_CI sr2 sr2_95%_CI Fit Difference
(Intercept) 9.24** [9.07, 9.41]
shuckedWeight 6.11** [5.71, 6.51] .18 [.16, .20]
R2 = .177**
95% CI[.16,.20]
(Intercept) 10.91** [10.66, 11.17]
shuckedWeight 3.85** [3.40, 4.30] .05 [.04, .06]
sexI -2.25** [-2.49, -2.01] .06 [.05, .07]
sexM -0.37** [-0.58, -0.17] .00 [-.00, .00]
R2 = .243** Delta R2 = .066**
95% CI[.22,.26] 95% CI[.05, .08]

Note. A significant b-weight indicates the beta-weight and semi-partial correlation are also significant. b represents unstandardized regression weights. beta indicates the standardized regression weights. sr2 represents the semi-partial correlation squared. r represents the zero-order correlation. Square brackets are used to enclose the lower and upper limits of a confidence interval. * indicates p < .05. ** indicates p < .01.

Visualize Regression Coefficients

Here is an example plot of the coefficients from Model 2 (lm2) using the packages from easystats - namely the parameters and see packages.

Learn more at

Here is another example using the sjPlot package. Note: I also had to install/update the associated sjstats package. Learn more at

Logistic Regression of adult by Shucked Weight and Diameter

NOTE: The adult variable is currently a “character” class variable. So, let’s create a 0/1 coded variable.

Use parameters package to get model coefficients table.

Parameter Coefficient SE CI CI_low CI_high z df_error p
(Intercept) 0.0365486 0.0110825 0.95 0.0200387 0.0657934 -10.913014 Inf 0e+00
shuckedWeight 217.0126805 139.5074649 0.95 62.5988462 778.3652734 8.368861 Inf 0e+00
diameter 540.2870048 637.2057215 0.95 53.9313991 5495.9308663 5.335075 Inf 1e-07

Another option using the gtsummary package.

Characteristic OR1 95% CI1 p-value
shuckedWeight 217 62.6, 778 <0.001
diameter 540 53.9, 5,496 <0.001
1 OR = Odds Ratio, CI = Confidence Interval

Compute the AUC for the model and plot the ROC curve.

## Call:
## roc.formula(formula = abalone$adult01 ~ pred_glm1, plot = TRUE,     print.auc = TRUE)
## Data: pred_glm1 in 1335 controls (abalone$adult01 0) < 2834 cases (abalone$adult01 1).
## Area under the curve: 0.8507