Here is an example on reading a data file that contains a column with text blocks from a file that has commas in the comment/text block and possibly also has carriage returns in a long text block.

The example data file has a column called opinion. For subject ID 4, their opinion comment includes not only some commas but also has a carriage (line) return about halfway.

Here is a screenshot of this from EXCEL - see the text block for ID 4 - notice that there are 2 lines for this subject’s text block - that is because there is a carriage return after “and”.

Download these 2 “textwrap” datasets:

Read in the CSV file

For the CSV formatted file, you can read in the datafile using the readr package with readr::read_csv() function.

# read in as a CSV file
textwrap <- read_csv("textwrap.csv")

## # A tibble: 5 × 4
##      id   age height opinion                                                    
##   <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>                                                      
## 1     1    23    5.6 "I really liked the course, but not the slides"            
## 2     2    34    6.1  <NA>                                                      
## 3     3    33    6.3 "it was ok"                                                
## 4     4    28    5.8 "I'd love to see some new dataset, and \nperhaps, some new…
## 5     5    31    5.9 "need more data, charts, and help docs"

You’ll notice that the opinion block of text has \n which indicates that there is a carriage return (new line) right before the word perhaps.

Read in the EXCEL formatted file

For the XLSX (EXCEL) formatted file, you can read in the datafile using the readxl package with readr::read_excel() function.

#read in from EXCEL
textwrap2 <- read_excel("textwrap.xlsx") 

## # A tibble: 5 × 4
##      id   age height opinion                                                    
##   <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>                                                      
## 1     1    23    5.6 "I really liked the course, but not the slides"            
## 2     2    34    6.1  <NA>                                                      
## 3     3    33    6.3 "it was ok"                                                
## 4     4    28    5.8 "I'd love to see some new dataset, and \r\nperhaps, some n…
## 5     5    31    5.9 "need more data, charts, and help docs"

You’ll notice that the opinion block of text has \r\n which indicates that there is a carriage return (new line) right before the word perhaps.

So, there are some slight differences in the final output for how the carriage return characters are captured, but both approaches work.