Github Repositories
Some files (code, data, files, etc) for this course may be shared and placed into various Github repositories. Each of these repositories can be “Cloned or Downloaded (as a ZIP)” to your local harddrive for easy offline reference OR they can be “forked” so that a copy of the repository is “copied” into YOUR Github account. If you “fork” a copy be sure you are logged into your Github account first. Here are the Github repositories to date:
- Gapminder Example (given in N741 on 01/18/2017)
- This repository contains the
(RMD) and related files associated with a lesson done in N741 (“Lesson 2” done on 01/18/2017). These RMD files showed some initial Rmarkdown
syntax with R
chunks showcasing examples from the gapminder
package, based on the vignette at
- This repository also contains an RMD file with some examples.
YouTube Videos for N741
Short helpful videos - posted on YouTube for N741 Spring 2017:
- Installing R, RStudio, Creating and “knitting” your first simple
- Installing Git for Windows
- Worked Example and Hints for Homework 01
- Video tutorial for creating the Github output MD format at
- This short (~5 min) video is on creating a “Github-flavored” markdown file. If you haven’t noticed yet, take a look back at your Github repository and look at one of your RMD files. You’ll notice that for the RMD file you can view the text and R code but no R output is shown. This is because the R code is not executed via Github (remember R is on your local machine not “in the cloud”). Instead, you need to create a “markdown” MD file that does have the R output included. To do this, there is a “github_document” output format you can use that will create a “github-flavored” MD (markdown) file that Github will display with both your R code and R output in the same document. See the RStudio documentation at
- Video on Publishing Your Reports to RPubs
YouTube Playlist for N741
Copyright © Melinda Higgins, Ph.D.. All contents under (CC) BY-NC-SA license,
unless otherwise noted.
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