Homework 05 - due 11/01/2017

ANCOVA - Analysis of Covariance Exercise

For Homework 05, you will be using the HELP dataset, learn more at:

Complete the following for these variables:

  • OUTCOME VARIABLE (Y): indtot
  • COVARIATES (other X’s): pss_fr or female
  1. Run ANCOVA (using a regression, ANOVA, or GLM approach - your choice) for the association between the SF36 Mental Component Score (mcs) and Inventory of Drug Use (indtot) adjusting for perceived social support from friends (pss_fr). Remember to:
    • mean center continuous variables before computing the interaction term (i.e. create a new mean-centered variable by subtracting the mean)
    • check for the assumption of homogenity of variance (i.e. is the interaction term significant?)
    • make an “effects plot” plot of the interaction between mcs and pss_fr
  2. Run ANCOVA (using a regression, ANOVA, or GLM approach - your choice) for the association between the SF36 Mental Component Score (mcs) and Inventory of Drug Use (indtot) adjusting for gender (female). Remember to:
    • mean center continuous variables before computing the interaction term (i.e. create a new mean-centered variable by subtracting the mean)
    • check for the assumption of homogenity of variance (i.e. is the interaction term significant?)
    • make an “effects plot” plot of the interaction between mcs and female

Variables in HELP dataset to be used for Homework 05

Use these variables from HELP dataset for Homework 05
Variable Label
indtot Inventory of Drug Use Consequences (InDue) total score - Baseline
mcs SF36 Mental Composite Score - Baseline
pss_fr Perceived Social Support - friends
female Gender of respondent

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