Homework 07 - due 11/29/2017

Repeated Measures ANOVA and Multilevel (MIXED) Linear Models

For Homework 07, you will be using the HELP dataset, learn more at:

Refer to the repeated measures ANOVA and MLM lessons 21, 22 and 23. See

For the HELP dataset:

  • OUTCOME VARIABLE: consider the 5 measurements of depressive symptoms (CESD) at baseline, 6m, 12m, 18m and 24m. Use variables cesd, cesd1, cesd2, cesd3, cesd4
  • BETWEEN GROUP VARIABLE: Also consider the treatment group variable treat
  • FYI: You will also need the id to
    1. properly restructure the data from WIDE to LONG format; and
    2. treat subjects as a random effect for the random intercepts approach to MLM

For Homework 7, complete the following:

  1. Perform a repeated measures analysis of variance (RM-ANOVA) for the 5 CESD measurements across time by treatment group.
    1. treat time as a continuous variable (not as a factor) - this is your WITHIN group effect
    2. treat the treatment group treat as a factor - this is your BETWEEN group effect
    3. TABLE: present the table of the intercept, time, treat and time*treat interaction effects including the tests of significance. [Remember this significance might change depending on the treatment group coding - try flipping the 0 and 1 and run the model again to see if the significance changes]
    4. FIGURE: make a plot of the CESD means across time by group - if you can make it an error bar plot which has the means and CI’s (confidence intervals) or SE’s (standard errors)
  2. Repeate the “repeated measures/longitudinal” analysis using a random intercepts MLM model
    1. REMEMBER to restructure the data from WIDE to LONG format
    2. TABLE: present the table of the intercept, time, treat and time*treat interaction effects including the tests of significance. [Remember this significance might change depending on the treatment group coding - try flipping the 0 and 1 and run the model again to see if the significance changes]
  3. Compare the results between the 2 approaches
    1. compare the sample size differences
    2. why do you think the results are different or are similar?

Variables in HELP dataset to be used for Homework 07:

Use these variables from HELP dataset for Homework 07
Variable Label
id Subject ID
treat Randomization Group
cesd CESD total score - Baseline
cesd1 CESD total score - 6mo
cesd2 CESD total score - 12mo
cesd3 CESD total score - 18mo
cesd4 CESD total score - 24mo

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