Chapter 22 Spiritual/Quality of Life Survey (FACIT-sp)

22.1 Background

The Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy - Spiritual Well-Being (FACIT-sp), see

The FACIT survey was used to provide a quality of life battery to tap into both traditional religiousness dimensions (faith factor) and spiritual dimensions (meaning and peace factor). These factors have been shown to have a strong association with psychological adjustments in that individuals who score high on this scale are much more likely to report a generally enjoyable life.

22.2 Expanded 23 item version

The 23-item expanded version, FACIT-Sp-Ex: Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy - Spiritual Well-Being, Expanded version, scoring instructions yields 4 scores:

  • Meaning/peace score (ranging from 0-32)
  • Faith score (ranging from 0-16)
  • Sp-12 score (ranging from 0-48)
  • Sp-EX overall score (ranging from 0-92)


  1. I feel peaceful
  2. I have a reason for living
  3. My life has been productive
  4. I have trouble feeling peace of mind
  5. I feel a sense of purpose in my life
  6. I am able to reach down deep into myself for comfort
  7. I feel a sense of harmony within myself
  8. My life lacks meaning and purpose
  9. I find comfort in my faith or spiritual beliefs
  10. I find strength in my faith or spiritual beliefs
  11. My illness has strengthened my faith or spiritual beliefs
  12. I know that whatever happens with my illness, things will be okay
  13. I feel connected to a higher power (or God)
  14. I feel connected to other people
  15. I feel loved
  16. I feel love for others
  17. I am able to forgive others for any harm they have ever caused me
  18. I feel forgiven for any harm I may have ever caused
  19. Throughout the course of my day, I feel a sense of thankfulness for my life
  20. Throughout the course of my day, I feel a sense of thankfulness for what others bring to my life
  21. I feel hopeful
  22. I feel a sense of appreciation for the beauty of nature
  23. I feel compassion for others in the difficulties they are facing